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50 Soal Toefl - Softskill Task 3
- Most(A) oxygen atoms have(B) eight neurons, but a small ammount(C) have nine or ten(D)
- Answer : C. Ammount
- Explanation : Kalimat ini membahas jumlah neutron “Most oxygen atoms have eight neutrons” (kebanyakan atom oksigen memiliki delapan neutron). Objek neutron termasuk countable nouns (benda yang bisa dihitung). Jadi, kata yang tepat adalah “number”. “amount” yang juga berarti angka digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.
- Of(A) the three girls that(B) recently joined(C) the basketball team, Frieda is the tallest(D)
- Answer : B. that
- Explanation : Kata ganti objek (object pronoun) yang tepat untuk “the three girls” adalah “who”.
- Five miles bxeyond the hills(A) were(B) a fire with its(C) flames reaching(D) up to the sky.
- Answer : B. were
- Explanation : Subjek untuk kalimat ini adalah “five miles beyond hill” (lima mil melewati perbukitan). Walaupun angka bernilai lebih dari satu, namun “lima mil” adalah bentuk kesatuan unit. Jadi, kata kerja to be yang tepat bukanlah “were” melainkan “was”.
- Lack of sanitation(A) in restaurant are(B) a major cause(C) of disease in some areas(D) of the country
- Answer : B. Are
- Explanation : Frasa “Lack of sanitation in restaurants” adalah uncountable noun yang berarti bersifat tunggal. Jadi, kata kerja yang sesuai adalah “is”.
- The city doesn’t(A) need no(B) more taxes everyone pays(C) too much already(D)
- Answer : B. no
- Explanation : Untuk kalimat negatif, pasangan dari “not” adalah “any”. Jadi, potongan kalimat yang sesuai adalah “The city doesn’t need any more taxes…”.
- Homesteaders(A) on the Great Plains brang(B) few(C) possessions to their(D) new Home.
- Answer : B. brang
- Explanation : Kata yang dimaksud adalah bentuk lampau dari “bring”. Kata yang tepat adalah “brought”, bukan “brang”.
- A gas like(A) propane will combination(B) with water molecules in a saline salution to form(C) a solid called(D) a hydrate.
- Answer : B. combination
- Explanation : Setelah kata “will”, kalimat tersebut membutuhkan kata kerja. Kata “combination” adalah bentuk kata benda, bentuk kata kerjanya adalah “combine”.
- In contrast(A) to its(B) soft body and muscular feet(C), some mollusks have hard(D)shells.
- Answer : B its
- Explanation : Subjek dari kalimat tersebut adalah “some mollusks” (beberapa moluska). Mollusks adalah countable nouns (benda yang dapat dihitung) yang berjumlah jamak. Jadi, kata ganti ketiga yang tepat bukanlah “its”, melainkan “their”.
- Mosquitoes will accepts(A) the malaria(B) parasite at only(B) one stage of the parasite's complex(D) life cycle
- Answer : A. accepts
- Explanation : accepts --> accept. Modal + Verb 1 murni tanpa embel-embel.
- Rhesus monkeys(A) exhibit(B) patterns of shyness(C) similar to that(D) in humans.
- Answer : D. that
- Explanation : that (singular) --> those (plural). Comparative Degree: Yang dibandingkan ialah patterns (plural).
- Every(A) open space in the targeted area that has(B) glass and a few bushes(C) are occupied (D) by the white-crowned sparrow.
- Answer : B. has
- Explanation : Karena ada kata singuler every open, maka kata yang paling tepat adalah Have.
- Killer whales tend(A) to wander(B) in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting(C). together(D).
- Answer : C. resting
- Explanation : jawaban benar - rest --> Hunt, play, and rest together (Harus paralel).
- Every human typically(A) have(B) twenty-three pairs(C) of chromosomes in most cells(D).
- Answer : B. have
- Explanation : Kata “every” walaupun memiliki gagasan jamak namun secara tata bahasa adalah tunggal. Jadi, kata kerja yang mengikutinya adalah “has”. Namun, ada beberapa pengecualian “every” bisa menggunakan kata kerja bentuk jamak.
- Less(A) people stood in line(B) for the concert, even though(C) there were more(D) tickets available.
- Answer : A. Less
- Explanation : Kata “less” bermakna “sedikit”. Namun, untuk people yang adalah countable nouns, kata yang seharusnya digunakan adalah “few”.
- Light(A) can travels(B) from the Sun(C) to the Earth in eight minutes(D) and twenty seconds.
- Answer : B. travels
- Explanation : Kata “can” adalah bentuk modal verb (kata kerja modal). Kata kerja yang diletakkan sesudahnya harus berbentuk kata kerja bentuk pertama. Jadi, kalimat yang tepat adalah “light can travel…”
- Tests have been(A) performed to determine whether(B) studying(C) TOEFL questions will help students rise(D) their test scores.
- Answer : D. rise
- Explanation : Dari kalimat diatas dapat diketahui maksud kalimatnya adalah bahwa mempelajari pertanyaan TOEFL dapat membantu murid-murid menaikkan nilai ujian mereka. Kata “menaikkan” yang tepat dalam bahasa inggris adalah “raise”. Kata “rise” berarti naik.
- Five miles beyond the hills(A) were(B) a fire with its(C) flames reaching(D) up to the sky.
- Answer : B. were
- Explanation : Subjek untuk kalimat ini adalah “five miles beyond hill” (lima mil melewati perbukitan). Walaupun angka bernilai lebih dari satu, namun “lima mil” adalah bentuk kesatuan unit. Jadi, kata kerja to be yang tepat bukanlah “were” melainkan “was”.
- Because(A) the torrential(B) rains that had devastated(C) the area, the governor sent the National Guard to assist(D) in the clean-up operation.
- Answer : A. because
- Explanation : Kata “because” yang diikuti dengan suatu klausa, memiliki rumus “because + of + klausa”.
- It is said(A) that Einsten felt very(B) badly(C) about the application of his theories to(D) the creation of weapons of war.
- Answer : C. badly
- Explanation : Kata “badly” adalah bentuk adverbial, sedangkan kata yang diperlukan ad"alah yang berbentuk adjektiva (kata sifat). Kata yang tepat adalah “bad”.
- Helium has(A) the most low(B) boiling(C) point of all substances(D).
- Answer : B. most low
- Explanation : Kata “the most low” bermaksud sebagai superlative dalam perbandingan kata sifat, namun, untuk kata sifat “low” (rendah), superlative yang tepat adalah “the lowest”.
- The midnight sun is(A) a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains(B) in the sky(C) for twenty-four hours or longer(D).
- Answer : B. visible remains
- Explanation : visible remains -> remains visible. Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas memerlukan predicate bukan noun phrase(visible remains). Yang tepat seharusnya remains visible.
- On the floor of(A) the Pacific Ocean is(B) hundreds of flat-topped(C) mountains more than(D) a mile beneath sea level.
- Answer : B. is
- Explanation : is -> are masuk dalam kategori Inversion. Subjek kalimat adalah hundreds of flat-topped mountains.
- Segregation in public(A) schools was declare(B) unconstitutional(C) by the Supreme Court in 1954(D).
- Answer : B. was declare
- Explanation : was declare -> was declared. Passive Voice (Be + VIII)
- William Hart was an act(A) best known(B) for his(C) roles as(D) western heroes in silent films.
- Answer : A. act
- Explanation : act -> actor. kalimat bermaksud pelakunya (actor).
- Artist(A) Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project(B) from 1925 until(C) his(D) death in 1941.
- Answer : B. project
- Explanation : project -> the project on the project (frasa yang sudah umum).
- J. H. Pratt used group(A) therapy early(B) in this century when he(C) brought tuberculosis patients together to discuss its(D) disease.
- Answer : D. its
- Explanation : its à their their merujuk ke patients.
- The Humber River and its(A) valley form(B) a major(C) salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, and farmer(D) region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
- Answer : D. farmer
- Explanation : farmer -> farming. Konjungsi and digunakan untuk menghubungkan kelas kata yang sederajat. Karena sebelum “and” bentuk atanya adalah gerund maka kata farmer seharusnya diubah dalam bentuk gerund juga yaitu farming.
- On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist(A) of a nearly(B) hundred large stumps scattered(C) on an exposed(D) coal bed.
- Answer : B. a nearly
- Explanation : a nearly -> nearly
Kata “a nearly” tidak memerlukan indefinite article/determiner "a", karena kata benda stumps adalah plural.
- Marie Curie won (A) two Nobel Prizes for their(B) discoveries of radioactivity(C) and radioactive(D) elements.
- Answer : B. their
- Explanation : their -> her
Karena mengacu pada Marie Curie (tunggal, perempuan), pronoun yang seharusnya dipakai adalah her.
- The name(A) “America” comes from(B Amerigo Vespucci, who(C) was a 16th century Italian explorer(D) .
- Answer : B. comes from
- Explanation : comes from -> came from
Karena nama “America” diambil dari penjelajah Italia abad ke-16, seharusnya menggunakan past tense (V2) seharusnya dipakai adalah “came from”.
- Although humans have highly developed(A) brains, most(B) animals have more acute(C) senses than them(D) .
- Answer : D. than them
- Explanation : than them -> than theirs
Karena mengacu pada kepunyaan (have more acute senses), maka pembanding yang seharusnya dipakai adalah “than theirs”.
- Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century- Virginia to race (A) on courses short(B) of about a quarter of a mile(C) in length(D).
- Answer : B. courses short
- Explanation : courses short -> short courses
(Adjective + Noun) bukan (Noun + Adjective).
- Benny Goodman was equally(A) talented as both a jazz performer(B) as well as(C) a classical musician(D).
- Answer : C. as well as
- Explanation : as well as -> and (both + and).
- That(A) water has a very high specific heat means(B) that without a large temperature change water can add or lose(C) a large number(D) of heat.
- Answer : D. number
- Explanation : number -> amount
heat menandakan uncountable noun. Amount (untuk uncountable noun) dan number (untuk countable noun).
- The community(A) of Bethesda, Maryland, was previous(B) known(C) as(D) Darcy's Store.
- Answer : B. previous
- Explanation : previous à previously known berbentuk sebagai adjective. (Adv + Adj).
- Perhaps the most distinctive features(A) of sharks and undoubtedly(B) one of the most important reasons(C) for their success is their well-debeloped sensory(D) system.
- Answer : A. features
- Explanation : Karena frasa one of the most important reasons mengacu pada features, maka kata ini harus dalam bentuk tunggal (feature).
- Generally(A), Abstract Expressionist art is without recognizable images and does(B) not adhere the(C) limits of conventional form(D).
- Answer : C. adhere the
- Explanation : Kata adhere jika diikuti object harus menggunakan to. Jadi frasa yang dipakai seharusnya adhere to the limits.
- The midnight sun is(A) a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains(B) in the sky(C) for twenty-four hours or longer(D).
- Answer : B. visible remains
- visible remains. Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas memerlukan predicate bukan noun phrase (visible remains). Yang tepat seharusnya remains visible.
- The term “yankee” was(A) originally a nickname for people from(B) new England, but now anyone(C) from the united states are(D) referred to as a yankee.
- Answer : D. are
- Explanation : Karena anyone singuler maka kata yang paling tepat adalah is.
- All of the east-west interstate(A) highways(B) in the united states has even numbers while north-south interstate highways are(C) odd-numbered(D)
- Answer : C. are
- Explanation : karna ada subject, maka kata yang paling tepat adalah has.
- The languages(A) of the word presents(B) a vast array of stuctural similarities(C) and differences(D)
- Answer : B. presents
- Explanation : Presents seharusnya present.
- The surface conditions(A) on the planet Mars are the more(B) like the Earth’s than(C) are those of any other(D) planet in the solar system.
- Answer : B. the more
- Explanation : the more -> more
Pola comparative: more ___ than ___
Maka seharusnya tidak perlu definite article “the” tapi cukup “more” saja.
- The Humber River and its(A) valley form(B) a major(C) salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, and farmer(D) region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
- Answer : D. farmer
- Explanation :farmer -> farming
Konjungsi and digunakan untuk menghubungkan kelas kata yang sederajat. Karena sebelum “and” bentuk atanya adalah gerund maka kata farmer seharusnya diubah dalam bentuk gerund juga yaitu farming.
- No longer(A) satisfied(B) with the emphasis(C) of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has moved(D) to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.
- Answer : D. has moved
- Explanation : has moved -> moved
Terdapat tahun di kalimat. Maka perlu kata kerja simple past (moved) bukan has moved (past perfect)
- The state seal still used (A) in Massachusetts designed by(B) Paul Revere, who(C) also designed the first Continental currency(D).
- Answer : B. designed by
- Explanation : designed by -> was designed by. butuh kata kerja (was)
- Prior to(A) an extermination program earlier(B) this century, alive(C) wolves roamed across nearly(D) all of North America.
- Answer : C. alive
- alive -> live
alive terletak dibelakang kalimat. Live (adjective) + Noun.
- For(A) a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels(B), the clipper ship was remarkably(C) fast(D).
- Answer : B. vessel
- Explanation :
- vessels --> vessel"a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels" merupakan appositive / keterangan tambahan terhadap noun "the clipper ship". Perhatikan yang dijelaskan ialah ship (cuma 1 ship) jadi vessels (jamak) seharusnya vessel (tunggal). Selanjutnya: terdapat article "a" pada phrase "a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels" yang menandakan "vessels" seharusnya "vessel".
- Alois Alzheimer made the first observers(A) of the telltale(B)signs of the disease that today bears(C) his name(D).
- Answer : A. observers
- Explanation : observers --> observation
Pemilihan kata: yang dimaksud adalah observasi bukan obserever.
- Surrounded(A) by forested mountain slopes are(B) the town of Telluride, a former(C) gold-mining town 7,500 feet about sea level(D).
- Answer : B. slopes are
- Explanation : slopes are --> slopes is
Inversion: Subject dari kalimat ialah the town of Telluride yang berbentuk singular jadi butuh verb yang singular pula.
- In Vermont, the sap the(A) maple tree is(B) the primary(C) ingredient in(D) producing maple syrup
- Answer : A. are
- Explanation : he -> of the
Kalimat tersebut memiliki subjek ganda sehingga harus ditambahkan of sebelum the maple tree. Hal ini karena the sap tersebut merupakan bagian dari maple tree.
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